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Room for online video chats AshleyCa1995

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Room for live sex video chat AshleyCa1995

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Languages: en

Birth Date: 1995-01-28

Body Type: bodyTypeThin

Ethnicity: ethnicityEbony

Hair color: hairColorBlack

Eyes color: eyeColorBrown


48 thoughts on “AshleyCa1995live sex stripping with Live HD

  1. I swear, these ragebait-posts… You know what, she sounds like a real keeper. Maybe she'll let you raise her and some other guys' kids someday. Go for it. Jealousy is your problem. Bury that shit deep inside yourself. If you want to keep living your life without a shred of self-respect, go right ahead.

  2. Hi honey. What you feel are 2 things.

    Your insides or gut instinct have revealed to you the truth about his feelings. More than just his words, you have felt it now in your gut.

    Just as your gut knows his true feelings, it also knows you are sad about it. Allow yourself to feel sad. His feelings will. It change, and you’ll do yourself the worlds biggest disservice to be tied to a man who does fabtasise about being a father.

    Many men want children, what to devote themselves to children and to being a wonderful and present father. Why would you waste the once in a lifetime experience with someone who drags his feet the entire time – if he even stays?

    Adding children does NOT bring people closer together. Let your heart and gut be your guide, it sounds to me like you already know where things are headed, and even though it hurts, it sounds like the acceptance process has begun a bit too.

    He is not the one. You can love each other sure, but he is not the one. Keep going. ❤️

  3. Thanks. He was been definitely more withdrawn for the last week. Most bizarre thing is that he mentioned he's been having these thoughts for the last 2 months, so before I sat him down regarding our bedroom. Why go through all that effort if you were to break things anyway? I just don't understand.

  4. Delete it, then go into deleted files and delete it completely. Then block the number.

    Never ever send it to anyone

  5. Can I DM you? I could use more specific advice, but I would prefer not to be found by my girlfriend who also uses Reddit.

  6. Yes we’ve had many marriage counseling sessions at the start of our marriage a few years ago. It’s not like this hasn’t been addressed or I haven’t told her that I needed more from her. But for the first time I’m just feeling over it. I can’t shake the feeling that she’s holding me back.

  7. When a man says he doesn't want to get married, it's not that he doesn't want to get married at all – he just doesn't wanna marry you. I learned that the very hot way.

  8. This doesn’t work for everyone but in distant relationships I’ve always thought it’s ok (if it’s imperative) to breakup over the phone if given that you guys can meet at some point to talk about it and get some closure. This isn’t something that i think can just be sprung onto him especially if one of you would have to drive a total of 5 hours. My buddy broke up with his girlfriend over the phone when they were both in college and about the same distance from each other. He meet up with her later for coffee and hey discussed it and they found closure that way so it worked well for them.

  9. Just to give you a better picture. We usually have about 9 hours a day in this house together. And we will be doing our own things in all those hours, we won’t even be in the same room more than 10-20 minutes unless we decide to watch a movie together (about once a week) and we will be doing something all the time (could be anything eating or on screen or work out), so we don’t have that time that we just sit there doing nothing at all. So it’s almost impossible to wait until he’s doing nothing.

  10. Idk any “good” people who would let their partner work 2 jobs to support them (unless perhaps she was FT child care or severely disabled.) Seeing as neither of these things seem to be the case, she seems to be taking advantage of you. Aside from that — what are you getting out of this relationship? No sex, no affection, no emotional, financial, or physical support in the home. This is dead weight to drop.

  11. If you are both ok with it then it’s entirely up to you. However, please bear in mind that if you are planning to find “the one” in the future it may prevent you from doing so. “The one” may or may not be okay with your past and refuse a relationship because of that. And if you hide it from your future partners that you’ve been doing sex work (because that’s what it is) then that’s on you, but know that sometimes these things find their very unlikely ways of resurfacing when you least expect. Most people WILL want to know if you did sex work before getting on serious with you.

    Personally, I would never. That’s just me though.

  12. I’ve got nothing against prostitution! Wouldn’t ever date a prostitute though, even if she’d stopped. A lot of men feel that way So keep that in mind. But if both are consenting I wouldn’t say there’s anything wrong.

  13. Move your money to a completely different bank so she can’t convince them to give her access. You shouldn’t need her to agree because you aren’t closing them – just withdraw your money and make new accounts elsewhere. Make sure you have all of your important papers (passport, birth records, etc) somewhere safe, preferably out of the house. Check your credit to make sure she hasn’t taken out any loans I’m your name then lock it down so she can’t. As soon as you can, get the heck out of there. Do NOT let her make you feel guilty for “abandoning“ her or making her homeless. She made her own bed. I wish you the best!

  14. I guess I'm not listening to her, but I interpret her stress mainly as coming from feeling stuck, bored, and frustrated with work – all things I thought having the opportunity to leave 2 hours early one day would be a nice thing to do for her.

  15. Bro, Talk to a doctor. If she doesnt want physical contact or sex ask her WHY that is in a respectful manner, as low libido or different processing of stimulation could be a result of the surgery, and could even be a warning sign of something else. You didnt give any info on the surgery so I cant help ya much there. :/ this is a medical issue as well as relationship issue, so treat it as such and talk to a doctor

  16. Sorry, but you need to be prepared to move out on your own. You have a serious convo with your gf that you want to be out by certain timeline, such as within 3 months or whatever you think you can tolerate. You need your own space. And then you need to be prepared to find an apartment or something with roommates, and you tell her she is welcome to come visit you (NOT to online with you, unless she's prepared to pay rent), and you're doing your best to stay nearby or within convenient travel on the subway/bus, but in order to preserve your relationship you need to move out. Don't look at it as leaving your girlfriend behind, but taking your own step forward so you can reach back out behind you and bring her with you eventually.

  17. Red flag and you SHOULDNT look past his views!

    He showed you who he is, believe him, break up, and move on.

    Best to you?

  18. Your boyfriend is a controlling abusive trash bag and I'm exhausted even reading this. He is going to treat you like shit forever. Dump him.

  19. She sobered up, thought of a “better” excuse, cleaned out her phone, and put off the confrontation so she can get some coworker to take the fall for her.

    Your girlfriend is the cheating coworker. Whoever she's going to invite over for dinner is the one covering up for her.

  20. There’s little else reason to send her that kind of money unfortunately. I’m sorry this is happening to you.

  21. Classic bait and switch. They want marriage. So they do what they need to to make that happen. Once they get what they want their true desires come out. And it's not you. Find someone else who has the same desires that you do.

  22. 60 hours sober and counting gang. It’s actually been over a week with the weed. Long story short, I don’t want to throw my marriage away. I learned a long time ago that marriage is work. And to clarify – I’m not “can’t pay my bills” broke. I’m “can’t take a vacation” broke. Thanks for everyone’s concern and advice. I just scheduled a marriage counseling session. I’m not walking away from 15 years without more effort than this. If you’ve never dealt with addiction issues I really don’t expect you to understand any of that part. At this point my daily focus is just getting my shit together for my kids. I’ve survived every bad day I’ve ever had and I think it’s equally as valuable to teach the kids that committed people can grow and support one another and eventually overcome. I don’t know enough about reddit to lock a post or whatever but I think I’ve gotten what I need from this post. Probably will not check again. For those that just want to dunk on folks on the internet, get a life. For the others, thanks again for everyone’s earnest advice.

  23. Absolutely pick your grad. Your family won’t be with you forever if they have a golden child. But this will stay with you forever

  24. If your family is willing to disavow you, a young woman, who went and got a degree and tried to make something of themselves for a ceremony that was meant for the rich to keep hold over land they wanted by bonding themselves in the eyes of a Warlord mascarading as a religious leader, than they clearly don't care about you or your achievements. I'm married right now and it has netted me NOTHING! I love my wife wouldn't trade her for the world but I could have went bought us both rings, called he my wife, and that's the end of that. Most I did was make it to where when I die she doesn't have to argue with some asshole about who gets my shit.

  25. Yeah, that's true, but remember he was talking with a guy when he made the statement. Guys have their own way of talking about certain topics when talking among themselves.

  26. So you needed her to change to be happy?

    Work on it how? It’s been 24 months and you knew in less than 6 months it wasn’t happening.

    You don’t date someone to change them.

    Even now. You are still dating.

    Does it really matter?

  27. I don't know what kind of stable fantastic job a 20 something may have for him to decide he will not move out of state. He doesn't seem interested in going to university. I hope he is learning a good trade then.

    Please do your studies in that school you were accepted to. It's your future. It seems to me he wouldn't move even if he doesn't have a job. Do not shape your life for such an early relationship which has been mainly long distance. You are both really young and this is the time when we shape our financial futures. Sure you can change careers later on in life. But this is the best time to study. Once you are living together, married with or without children it is a lot harder cause you will have a lot more to take care of.

  28. I'll be honest, it doesn't sound like your partner is in a place to be a healthy participant in a relationship. He has a ton of unresolved relationship trauma and got into a new relationship less than a year after losing his wife. This is all stuff he needs to spend time processing in therapy.

    There's nothing wrong with asking your partner for support, but when one person requires constant affirmation, it leaves little room for the other person's needs. His needs are currently taking up a lot of real estate. That's natural for the mental place he's in, but it's not a balanced relationship. He needs to learn how to self-soothe and generate his own happiness. If he doesn't know how to do that, then that's something he should have worked on before jumping directly into a new relationship.

    Time to set some boundaries. You can be gentle and kind about it, but you need to be firm as well. Let him know how much you can handle and explain that you need him to seek out some emotional and social outlets beyond you. You can't be everything for another person.

  29. What the hell is wrong with you? Stop sleeping with him. Get tested. Tell him if you have something. Continue to not sleep with him or use a damn condom like an adult. If he blames you, STOP SLEEPING WITH HIM. There are other dicks in the sea. Maybe it is time to have a committed relationship instead of being somebody's part time fuck buddy.

  30. Drop kick that cheating cheater out of your life for heaven’s sake.

    My goodness. The things so many women who post here put up with is just astonishing.

  31. He's a malignant narcissist (and I really don't like using that word). Threatening to take his own life, intentionally violating your boundaries, and poor emotional regulation. All honking red flags.


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