Miaa-ass21 on-line sex chats for YOU!

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11 thoughts on “Miaa-ass21 on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Don’t give power to stupid people. Does the Lion explain himself to his prey? Fuck to the no! Be the lion. Say nothing, do no favors, and take no shit.

    If you really think they’re being snarky, look them in the eye and say, “Hey, idiot, you misspelled “homophobe” – I’m the “homoqueen!” and just OWN THAT SHIT with a laugh and a hair toss.

    Stupid people are small and above all – they are afraid. People who criticize others are NEVER doing more than the people they target.

    Know why? Bc they’re not doing shit, and they’re so afraid someone will notice, they put targets on others backs. If you have the balls to SAY THAT TO THEM, you’ll earn their respect, and they will never bother you again.

  2. Wow – he says it was up to you. Then gets all grumpy because you didn't pick what he wanted.

    He's being really selfish. Pleasing your partner isn't about limiting sex to just what you like best.

  3. You should be upset. This shit is inappropriate. You guys are also super young. It isn't like the ex was in his life for a long time and had a strong relationship with the father. Even then, you're the current partner.

  4. Do you truly understand what being the golden child means?

    It means that your parents picked her to be the one they allow to do anything she wants without consequences.

    Do you understand that you are the not golden child, the one that has no right to punish or demand anything. The one they don't care about if you get hurt. The one that has all the guilt and blame. Look what you made me do, look what you did, if you didn't do that or say that then everything would be okay. Do these sound familiar?

    They have raised an entitled adult because that is what they wanted to do.

    Please do your research and understand the dynamics that are happening here. The only way forward for you is decent therapy and No contact, or very very low contact.

    Do not put yourself in harms way again.

  5. I’ve been working on that, I was raised by my mom and grandma and never met my dad until I was 18 and then he passed away from cirrhosis a year later so I’ve never really had or seen any healthy relationships with men, but I am in therapy and trying to work through things

  6. If you're happy with him it's water under the bridge. If that's the only thing he did significantly wrong in your entire relationship, perhaps you can forgive and move on.

    I know I checked my husband's ID within the first few months. It also depends on what you want. Marriage, children etc..

    My concern is that he's been with you for 4 years and haven't even proposed. Do you want marriage?

  7. You need to go to the police, this guy is at a dangerous level, god knows what he might do. I think thread carefully as this could escalate. Stay safe

  8. Thank you, it’s just I don’t know what to do. Should I talk to this person about what I went through and why I can’t keep doing what I’m doing anymore? I haven’t even told my family all about what has happened to me, it’s really touchy, and gives me intense anxiety. I just feel like it’s so naked nowadays to find people that are understanding in the dating realm about this kind of stuff. I know I need to break it off with this person because my mental health is getting worse, but I really do like them even though I know it won’t work out

  9. Wow, the condescension on his part is so cringe. I bet youll be getting a lot of male redditors telling you to say nothing to avoid hurting his feelings while they expect you to allow your feelings to be hurt.

    Tell him.


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