Dannasanders online webcams for YOU!

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49 thoughts on “Dannasanders online webcams for YOU!

  1. There is a reason he’s not speaking to her or you for that matter I wonder why ? what she is doing is wrong

  2. Why did you floss over the fact that your boyfriend beat you so bad you had bruises? And why do you think that’s so normal that meeting his parents is the thing you have anxiety about? Are you serious with this post?

  3. Dude. This is ridiculous. You need to tell her straight up of this continues, you are done. She is infatuated and it will move onto something worse. Tell her it’s either him or you.

  4. I agree with everything except being told is a privilege not a right. A partner has the right to make an informed decision about being with you. Ofc that info doesn’t need to be disclosed first date or what not, but they’re at the level of bf/gf. She lied , that is not okay. The foundation of their relationship is built on a lie. She should’ve disclosed this information before they got serious enough to be bf/gf.

  5. u/struggling-stem-girl, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  6. My ex(F) actually asked this when i was with her and it bothered me for our whole relationship. that being said, she never really asked for it again when she saw it bothered me… So i can only imagine how bad it makes you feel…

    I'd tell your boyfriend to respect your boundaries and if he doesn't want to, you have to end things…

  7. they got divorced specifically because he put his hands on her. they had kids early in their marriage (my two siblings i didn’t mention in the initial post because they’re older and don’t online with us) so i don’t think us kids were the problem but his anger issues were. what he was so angry about, i don’t know.

  8. u/RoyalSpringy, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  9. My mother became seriously ill in the hospital. When they confirmed my mother was not going to make it, my then girlfriend had broken up with me on the phone.

    It wasn't a great time to do it but I respect her decision. It sucked at the moment but it was best for the both of us.

    She'll know if you're faking it and it'll be way worse when you do finally break up with her

  10. Postponing a break up because of Christmas is silly. What does a day on the calendar have to do with your failed relationship?

  11. Why isn’t enjoying and connecting with your conversations with him a deal breaker?

    Shouldn’t that normally make you not want a relationship? Dating isn’t charity.

  12. Jesus you are a terrible sister. You took upon yourself to blow up her relationship because of something in her past relationships. And you did it in an incredible sneaky and conniving way.

    You cannot see the future and do not know for sure if she would have cheated again. If she had actually cheated on him then that would be different.

    Unless past behavior is harming a current partner I personally don't think it needs to be brought up. This reminds me of people that are obsessed with other people's body counts.

    Grow up and get a life of your own. Don't be surprised if this bites you in the ass someday if she has the opportunity to blow up a happy relationship of yours. You deserve it.

  13. If you asking him to tell you what he likes about you starts an argument, your ask for support in a time of need, why exactly do you think he cares?

    If he thinks you asking for help (with chores for example) is you nagging or tricking him, why do you think he actually loves you?

    How does he make you feel loved?

  14. Why are you still talking about it? Send her and her herps back to the streets. Get your revenge or don’t, the only thing is she’ll make you the bad guy but she’s already doing that, so sure, get your rocks off with someone else, rub it in her face, and send her packing.

  15. my wife and I had to move out of California. Away from our friends and family to start our lives. That might be what you need to do.

    we moved to Las Vegas, and, although we made less money, no state income tax meant we were able to buy a house.

    we both quit our jobs and found new ones.

  16. Then why are, apparently both of you here on reddit asking for advice? So now he likes her? He was only suggesting to get rid of the cat.. no biggie then I guess. You do you and good luck.

  17. Listen to your gut. Don’t get married.

    Just because you have been through a lot together doesn’t mean you are stuck together forever. Your partner might be a good and kind person but that doesn’t mean he’s YOUR person.

    Read back your letter and imagine a friend of yours wrote it. What would you tell that friend to do?

  18. This issue isn't specific to food. But he does act like this whenever he could be perceived to be in the wrong. He minimizes the issue and acts like I'm an unreasonable loon for even bringing it up. Then he'll start to say things like “I'll just never talk again.” Which I've explained is completely counteractive to conflict resolution.

    It's basically a debate tactic. Attack the straw man. Then make your opponent look unreasonable.

  19. Thanks for your advice and for not tearing me to pieces. I thought the whole point of this was for advice and obviously I am asking this question so I can figure out how to move forward from here. If I didn’t give a shit I would just continue acting this way and not ask anyone else’s opinion on the matter. As stated, I am working on myself. I know that I am emotional and respond horribly in certain situations but that is my childhood trauma which I am trying to overcome. I wanted other peoples advice for a reason but didn’t need them calling me a red flag and saying he should divorce me. Too bad people can’t just be nice and speak like you did. Thanks for your time ????

  20. He could the rest of his life happily never knowing? Why do you need to tell him? Is that for him, or you?

    Also your name will be mud at your work and probably industry..

  21. Don’t get on yourself. It’s like expecting yourself to know what it’s like to have cancer, dementia, lyme, but.. worse. It’s the worst disease you can get, depression. As someone on the other side, I can safely say explaining what it’s like only gets more alienating. You push people away, then look around and wonder why you’re more alone every day. Being a man doesn’t help. Alas, there’s nothing you could have done differently. It will feel bad, but you have to internalize that it’s not your fault.

  22. You absolutely can tell him that if he wants to date you he can’t watch porn anymore. And then he can decide which he wants more.

    Don’t lock yourself in a sexless relationship just to keep him.

  23. I've been married for over 20 years, and I would never just pay a tab like that for my friends without my husband agreeing ahead of time. And I would never take it out of his checking account. Your GF needs to pay you back, that is ridiculous.

  24. People who work late shifts often hang out after work, just like people with typical working hours do. If you think that means he's off cheating, no one can change that, but your life isn't going to be great if you don't trust your partner.

    If he was working 9-5 and staying with colleges till 7pm would you believe the same thing? Is it possible for him to hang out after work and you NOT think this?

    When should he be hanging out with his workmates other than after work?

  25. If you feel this way, break up and stay apart. The fact you've broken up before indicates you should. It's genuinely that simple.

  26. If you two have a friendly rapport and he’s generally like this with people, it might not mean much. Especially because you reached out to him (in what I’m understanding was a friendly curiosity not strictly for work way?)

    If you weren’t friendly in mentorship this is still kinda weird. If you had to reach out strictly for work purposes then it’s also weird.

  27. Everyone gets to decide what is OK in their relationship. I also changed my mind after being one year into the relationship. I didn't feel comfortable anymore and told my bf immediately, that this is how I feel and we need to come to a solution. He at first was protective of porn and we argued over it, but after I told him, that sadly I cannot have a relationship with him anymore, he apologised and really changed. I felt bad for changing my mind, but I can't control my feelings for this one.

    If your partner is the one who loves you unconditionally then I am sure you can talk to him about it.

  28. Where privilege is the norm equality is opression. He is doing everything he wants and can't do the bare minimum for a second chance. He has made his intentions crystal clear. What's the point of giving him a second chance ?

  29. Exactly. If you really want to be with her, consider options that aren’t you and your support group. An outside source of guidance and support could be supplemental especially if she is going through more stress than usual.

  30. Your girlfriend needs some mental health support – I'm not going to armchair diagnose anything, but clearly something is going on up there that is seriously interfering in her capacity to manage life and studies, and now it's spilling over onto you.

    She needs help, but it isn't the kind you can or should have to provide.

  31. Yup I agree. It still seems weird that they might prefer “me” but with a different dick (not just the bigger dick, but me with the bigger dick). I would rather they prefer my dick as it is, you know?

    Also, username checks out haha

  32. You’re not dumb—he promised to love you, and you believed him. It wouldn’t have been healthy to have heard him promise to love you, and then held skepticism: “Well, we’ll see.”

    You trust him, which is also a healthy way to behave in a relationship. That’s not dumb—that’s just not being someone who’s pessimistic about relationships. Good on you.

    But if he’s violating (or at least attempting) that trust, that’s on him.

    I hope you talk with him. Write down all of your thoughts and observations, including the chronology of events (as best as you can piece them together), and then talk with him. “When I was using your phone the other day, I saw you had a message from Claire, but I was confused about the part of the message I could see, because it didn’t line up with what you had said, so I clicked on it, and looking back over the message history, what you told me and what’s been happening don’t line up. Here’s what I know so far [tell him]. Then it occurred to me that you told me that the reason you initially exchanged numbers was because [reason], but now I’m realizing that doesn’t add up because [reason]. Then [any other insights or realizations of weird behavior]. Do you want to tell me what’s really going on here?”

    No matter what he says, I think it’d be reasonable to ask him to stop trying to message her. Doesn’t sound like Claire will miss his messages, anyway.

  33. You're being controlling, yes. She can meet people one on one, you can't stop her. You can't have a problem with a person you've never met and practically know nothing about or of. Deal with your insecurity.


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