Lexyyvera live sex chats for YOU!

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32 thoughts on “Lexyyvera live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Of course, growing a spine will be the result of going to therapy, she will know how to handle situations than wont change.

  2. How?

    I mean obviously the sex toy thing is stupid as all hell and at least very inconsiderate (assuming we even get the whole story here), but how was the friendship inappropriate before?

  3. Definitely agreee that wild?but depending on her height she maybe obese or overweight(if she’s extremely short)

  4. Only you can control and enforce your own boundaries. Is there a reason you can't watch the kids when your husband goes to work?

  5. Hello /u/mikaferguson99,

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  6. 13 y/o's don't get sent to jail. This doesn't sound very legit. Run a background check if you want to stay with them… I'd say I need space for a while.

  7. What relationship? OP’s?

    He says he’s fine with it. Clearly he’s not because he’s taking an opinion poll, presumably to use to convince her his position on it is more worthy than the boundary she drew.

  8. Definitely will do that. One of these friends actually bought up the visa issue when we first started dating. She was concerned that he was using me.

  9. It’s not as easy as just walk away but you should still break up. If both of your names are on the house you move out and give her the option to either buy your half of the house or sell it and split the money (or you can buy her out). A lawyer can help with that. You are setting a terrible example for your kids on what a healthy relationship looks like.

  10. I'm assuming you DIDNT hook up with him. I'm gonna call it as it is. He's a chad. If you DID, then well… You know what happened. He doesn't want a relationship. I admit, he should've been more direct. I typically am.

    But he's not relationship material. How do Ik he's a chad? Other thank being a semi chad, I'm saying chad alot, i can see he's giving you constant uncertainty. You don't know where you stand with him. You claim to want the security of a relationship. But here you are running back to Mark because he's got your emotions involved first and how he has you on a string. You “hate” the uncertainty, but you're drawn to it. Else, you would've already left. That's just how it works, really.

    If you wanted to just have fun, fine, play alone. But you want a relationship. So, cut the line. Let him go. Find someone who isn't a chad, 4head. He's not a boyfriend guy. And don't do that thing where people tell you he's not relationship material and you dont listen and get ghosted.

  11. You’re so ungrateful for all the things I never do for you! Now you want me to think about you instead of myself on your birthday? What do you see in this loser? Here’s something to think about. You’ll have plenty of money to spend on yourself if lose the dead weight and start treating yourself the way you want him to treat you. Seems like a win to me.

  12. It would seem even IVF is out so then at least you are both young enough to think about adopting. You do need to tell her though. She has a big decision to make and you'll need to give her room to make it, but at east she'll have the facts.

  13. Just curious as it seems to be a more common theme in this sub lately, what’s with the early 20 y/o women posts dating guys 10+ years older than them? Is this stuff a real thing or is this sub becoming some old dudes creepy penthouse forums thing

  14. Honestly you just need individual counseling and a divorce lawyer. If she hasn’t changed yet, she probably never will, and it is not up to you to stay to find out if she does. Don’t waste your life.

  15. “…doesn’t want me having space that I have been asking for because it’s giving me ways to ‘hate’ me more.”

    So he doesn’t want you to have time to think about all the ways he sucks. Stay here, stay distracted so I can keep acting like I always do and own nothing.

    This guy is a manipulator and also I can hear his cringy whining just in your description. If you weren’t married to him and someone treated you like that you’d call the police.

  16. If you really think it could be a mistake or miscommunication because you never covered this topic with your GF, then that’s where you start –

    I had a weird situation with my now-husband back when we were dating where he kissed a female friend of his on the lips. Not a passionate kiss, but a quick peck. Turns out they have been doing that for a long while and he owned up that he wasn’t even thinking about it in that context when it happened. It was just what they always did – granted it happened right in front of me and appeared to be a very natural thing for them, but I was like “oh hell no!” in my head as I saw it all play out.

    But we never talked about these boundaries or what was appropriate, so I really couldn’t blame him.

    So we had the talk – we outlined every perceivable situation we could get ourselves into with a member of the opposite sex and we set ground rules. We also talked about his female best friend specifically and set expectations for that friendship moving forward, including no more kissing on the lips.

    It was a productive dialogue that got us both on the same page. Haven’t had an issue since because we both know where we stand on any conceivable scenario that could be considered “cheating” including the topic of porn.

    So if you think she’s telling the truth and not just gaslighting you about this, then tell her that last night is what it is. Can’t be mad if she truly didn’t know it was cheating.

    Then you set boundaries for the future. If she does this again after knowing your position on it, then break up.

  17. Time to act like an adult, you’re 27! You’re folding this guy’s laundry yet you’re too anxious to say hello to his parents, that he seems to live with? Why are you dating a guy to can’t even talk to properly, or communicate with like an adult? You honestly sounds like a pair of young teens, you both need to act your ages.

    If your anxiety is genuinely that bad that you can’t face saying hello to people when you are in their house, you really need to be getting help for that. If you tell your bf you are going to get yourself home at 27 years old, you have no right to be upset that he took you at your word. You are 27! My mum was married and had had me at that age. I lived abroad on my own in my early 20’s.

    Now the only thing that gives me pause is that you might be Korean and living in Korea – if that’s the case I don’t know how your culture works, or how it might affect this situation. But regardless of culture, you cannot have a relationship with someone without communicating effectively with them, and you cannot function properly if you are too afraid to say hello to the people who’s house you are in, and should be seeking therapy for that.

    C’mon OP! You’re not 14 any more.

  18. You are upset that your fiance doesn't have as much money as you thought he did. How much exactly are you contributing?

    Any chance it's zero and your disappointed to find out that you were only being gifted 75k and not 150k?

  19. My (21M) Boyfriend said to me (20F) that’s it’s either him or the club.

    My boyfriend thinks he has the right to control who I am friends with and where I go.

    Fixed that for you.

    This is the tip of the iceberg – his comment that “He is responsible for you” should give you the ick. He is controlling and dismissive, and believes that HIS opinion matters more than yours.

    Do yourself a favour and get a boyfriend who both treats you with respect, and trusts you. He has given you an easy out – he doesn't mean it's him or the club, it means you have to agree with his view of the world and behave the way he wants you to behave. Choose the club.

  20. No woman wants to parent their partner. Sounds like a quick way to kill sexual desire / intimacy / connection. Would he be open to couples counseling?

  21. Right? I think it’s be different if he said, “could you wear that one x dress? You’re gorgeous in anything but I love that dress on you.” But the back and forth constantly is a way to keep you off-balance. Whether he’s doing it consciously or not, you deserve better than that.

  22. Has she done similar things like this in the past? Is she often hung up on the cost of things you buy her? As a one off, it could just be she lacks any sort of common sense with this particular issue. If she does it with other things, I’d be concerned.

    Whatever the case, she’s being extremely rude and she doubled down instead of listening to you when you said she was being offensive. That by itself is a problem. She also seems overly concerned with the cost despite your agreement. That’s strange behavior. It was settled. Now it isn’t?

    Have you done any premarital counseling? That might be a good idea.


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