Nessamore on-line sex cams for YOU!

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16 thoughts on “Nessamore on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. My first thought that I haven’t seen mentioned is maybe he’s gatekeeping the drink? Like, it’s a Moscow mule and lots of people like the drink. The other comments saying maybe he wanted it to come off like he made the drink or he didn’t know what it was called makes sense, but it really sounds like he was just trying to gate-keep it from what I’ve experienced with others which is just odd to me. Just “oh I like this super popular show, you can’t love it as much as me you’ll never know it like I do” or sometimes going to the extreme of getting pissed at other people who like the same thing.

  2. Woah! Run Silly Pizza, run. Run far, run fast. This is a red flag the size of Georgia – the country, not the state.

    People who are rude to those that serve them are beneath contempt.

    I don't care if your MacDonald's working boyfriend was nasty, that's absolutely no reason to yell at a teenage girl doing her best. Tell her to fuck off before you get any more involved with this …. person.

  3. Run. Fast. Don’t think twice. He’s not going to die, he’s having a tantrum because you said no. Say it as many times as you have to.

  4. I don't know bro. You seem to be spinning out of control for no reason.

    My gf is a wonderful, caring and loving woman, we have plans of marriage soon.

    I mean, are you sure? Then why are you trying to play detective when she has given you 0 reason not to trust her.

    You are snooping through her things without probable cause, while knowing you are too insecure to handle anything you may find. Its a recipe for disaster. Also, keep it up and she is going to begin losing trust in you.

    As for the video, you knew about it. She didn't hide anything. It was on an old phone she probably hasn't turned on since she got a new one. You didn't discover her cheating on you with this video. It was before you two were together. Either deal with it or don't. She is not at fault. She literally has done nothing wrong. You whole post, 0 transgressions.

    All due respect, you better tighten up before you lose a good woman. Get yourself under control and try to be happy with this nice lady. Best of luck.

  5. Just saw your joke. You literally degraded her abilities and reduced her to a naked chick you get to stare at once a week. I would say you sexualized her even if it was meant in jest.

  6. I’d like to know too. How is this a good deal for the girlfriend? She could have her own place, it would be clean all the time and only have to take care of herself. Then she can find someone who actually values her above being the online in maid/cook/dog carer and burden bearer. And it would cost her less.

  7. I know.. I’ve just been stuck in this cycle with him for so long. It feels impossible to escape from him. Even when he leaves me he keeps coming back. I’m shutting the door for good this time though.

    It’s just crazy because he paints me to be the bad person in the relationship when it’s really him. His ex was having the same problems. I didn’t know it was this bad until I was already in it.

  8. I wouldn't be so dismissive of the PI. For all you know, he could have a second family across town. Also, your mom may know and be permissive of his 'friend'. Let a professional look into this, then your dad won't have to lie to all his kids faces. Get the sibs in on this.

  9. As I said- she’s wrong and he needs to be protecting his kid.

    His actions do have to do with the safety of his kid- because he’s focused on getting an apology rather than getting his daughter into a safe and stable environment.

  10. you're definitely right w this, and ive struggled with these aspects myself but id also want some communication on his end if he thinks there's an issue. i think im gonna see if he texts me today and if not, send a message asking if he wants this to mean anything

  11. He is lying because you are way to hung up about this. You are not compatible. He IS wrong to be around porn while you two are about to be intimate.


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