My name Jess! I, ‘m always smiling for you! And I also have a very long tongue the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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My name Jess! I, ‘m always smiling for you! And I also have a very long tongue, 20 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms My name Jess! I, ‘m always smiling for you! And I also have a very long tongue

My name Jess! I, 'm always smiling for you! And I also have a very long tongue online sex chat

41 thoughts on “My name Jess! I, ‘m always smiling for you! And I also have a very long tongue the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Dude you need a double triple extra scoop of therapy.

    I am not trying to be a dick but I find it baffling and a little pathetic that you have a partner willing to go to bat for you and instead you are worried to let them help?

    Like what exactly is your plan here? What exactly do you think is going to happen? Your parents magically change? They forget?

    Be real!

    Either decide that the way they treat you is okay, or grow a back bone and stand side by side with your wife.

  2. Be careful if you have been this far and she has not shown romantic interest, more than likely she wants the emotional relationship without the romantic relationship. To be frank she most likely , she does not find you attractive.

    TBH it was her in her vulnerable state, not you that pushed the boundaries and caused you to be confused…

    I would just draw boundaries for yourself to keep yourself from wanting more than it is.. but you should openly communicate this.. tell her what she did put you in a frame of mind that you want to avoid so your going to have x,y, and z boundaries.

    If she wants more, you telling her your keeping yourself from wanting more… will be her chance to give you the clarity one way or another that you want.

  3. This kind of sounds like he fetishizes bigger women. He might have even thought the comment was a compliment because he likes it.

    It was weird. I don’t really know what to tell you to do. It’s only been 4 dates and I wonder if this is worth pursuing further.

  4. OP left out some big info. What did you try to talk to him about? If it’s your menstrual cycle, yeah he might not want hear about that.. if it’s about your grades and he says that, he’s an idiot.. big difference when the topic is actual revealed no?

  5. Are u nuts? Looks like she just thought of you as a friend and reached out to share some good news. WAY too suspicious Bro!

  6. “I don't want to talk about it.”

    Repeat as necessary.

    I'm so very sorry for your loss. Any suicide is a despairing story. For it to happen to a partner is unfathomable. I know this will take you a long, long time to get over.

    Your mother is nuts if she thinks she is entitled to the death certificate.

    “I don't want to talk about it.” Repeat as necessary.

  7. u/Griffin789123, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  8. I'm currently in the car in a parking lot crying and vomiting.

    I can't imagine myself in a situation where I think “I'm vomiting and crying and hurt but I really need to update my Reddit post so that random internet people don't think I'm an asshole :(“

    Fake as fuck.

  9. Well, he’s a jerk. As long as your sex life is really good before this and you both were happy with it. This is a life issue. I would try to accommodate him when you can but frankly, he’s a jerk. Take care of yourself first. Send him to Reddit so he can see what a big jerk he is.

  10. It’s very dehumanising and is a feeling I won’t forget and hope I never feel again. And this is just one of many instances he’s done this to me. I send you lots of love and healing. ❤️

  11. If you decide to give chance to prove himself you should also have a policy of access to each other messages and not deleting any messages. Not talking should mean not contacting her in any shape or form after all.

  12. They confessed feelings for each other before she told her husband about it.

    Definitely something that should be in the post.

  13. You could make a tally of how many times you've told him you're not into it, but not say anything about what it is until he asks. Leave it somewhere like next to the light switch, so he'll be sure to see it. When he finally asks, tell him that this is all the times you've told him no but he keeps trying to pressure you into doing something you don't want to do, you know, like a rapist would.

  14. I would recommend that you don't ask again. It sounds like they were friends and going out with friends, and then he made a move and she turned him down and decided not to talk to him anymore. Just let it be. It's been 3 years

  15. @op I think your partners friends found your post! Lol this response is comical. You even made a list that is even more offensive than than OPs partner's comments. Bravo lol ?

  16. It’s called justice sensitivity and it’s a real thing. It’s not necessarily a good thing in many ways—it really hinders your ability to function in society, because it means that any display of injustice towards you or anyone else bothers you heavily.

    Most neurotypical people don’t feel this way lol or else the systems we have wouldn’t be in place and there wouldn’t be such an tendency to care so much about following societal norms and an epidemic of victim blaming.

  17. If he’s ghosting you, don’t text him again. You reached out to him in your time of need and he ignored you, and is still ignoring you. His ghosting is a sign that he doesn’t care about you, doesn’t care about your problems, and doesn’t want to talk to you. When I’m seeing/dating somebody I’m really interested in, im always dying to hear from them. I dodge their messages and take 2+ days to reply.

    Also I’m not sure what the deal is with ‘friends’ being in quotes, but that’s probably a separate matter huh

  18. She is “hinting” as bait for you to bankroll her life. She’s basically asking you for an allowance now (on top of paying her and the child’s life expenses), and assurance that the money won’t go away even if the relationship ends. Honestly, it’s weird. The typical game would be to feign interest and not mention money until you were locked down. It’s strange she would out her own intentions, as it’s clearly not based solely on who you are as a person to her.

    It’s not wrong for you to want to support her and her child, if you chose you wanted to commit to family with her regardless of the money part. The needing reassurance part by promising money even if you break up is really odd and backwards. Also sounds like she has a foot outside the door and wants to know you’re still willing to be on the hook when she leaves.

  19. Lol. You’re not fixing anything “back to life.” No one but yourself cares or is going to read about a 24 year olds memoir

  20. You guys weren't even friends – you were in the same study group. She's noteworthy to you because she's your only female friend, but who are you to her? You guys clearly don't spend time alone together socially because otherwise you would have been able to segue into that from there instead of in the study group.

    You cannot offer her anything substantial – you are not able to even humanize her. Being your FWB is not a job title you created – when people are important to each other they negotiate what that means together instead of creating a role for people to audition to.

    You have never even tried to gauge her interest or interact with her like an actual friend. You don't know what's important to her, what her values are or anything. And the only information she has about you now is that you think she's attractive enough to hook up with but are very disinterested in her as a person. That's not a friend. You are not friends, you two were at best friendly in a group setting.

    And incidentally, just for future reference, every single time I've had a FWB relationship it always began with a cup of coffee and expressing interest in each other as people and being able to be friends outside of the hookups. You were not offering to be FWB, you were offering her sex with someone who has no experience or interest in her as a person. It would be guaranteed to be disappointing to her, because at least one of those things are key to having a good sexual experience with someone. And it might even be unsafe for her, because again, she doesn't know you or trust you because you are not friends.

  21. She told me that she may want to go back to him before he put his hands on her. Now she wants nothing to do with him

    That's what she says but I can, with a very high level of certainty, assure you that this is going to become a back and forth game. Maybe she does want to go back with him, no she wants you, no she wants him, etc.

  22. Your wife is a terrible person denying your child like that. I don’t know how you aren’t madder at her. I would tell her that she needs to tell everyone what a shitty human she is and that this is in fact your child. And that she cares so much about appearances that she made a kid, feel like he doesn’t have a place in his fathers home. Because she thinks she is better than everyone else. That’s what this comes down to she thinks she is better and she isn’t, she is a terrible person.

  23. Don't listen to Rufus Rock Head. They are also following me around crying about broken penises and telling me how it my job to fix it.

  24. 1st gotta throw the BS flag on blaming her. He got drunk & chose to sleep in her bed. How did you find out? Why didn’t you go to the party? Honestly nude to give any advise without knowing all the details

  25. Nope don’t put any of your savings into that house. It’s not your home. Even having your name on the house too is at least some guarantee you at least get half of the house if you two split, but let me guess, he doesn’t want to take that risk, even though he says he will marry you one day.

    He expects you to take risks with the promise of marriage but he won’t take the risk by putting your name on the house.

    He’s using you and you need to reconsider this relationship.

  26. So he wants YOU to buy sexy clothing to please HIM? What he's doing is called “moving the goalposts” You say fine, I'll wear sexy clothing in respond to your wishes, but you get me what you want. Then he says “it's too expensive.”

  27. Yea! There are women out there that would comment things like “he’s for fun and I was up for fun”… or “if you want fun, he’s the guy for you” If you don’t want other people to know, don’t do it. Easy.

  28. This is hilarious ?

    I’m really sorry you’re in this situation, that all sounds terrible, but the way you tell this whole story is really, really funny hahahahaha

  29. GTFO, as far away as possible. What the fuck is he maybe taking you to court about exactly?


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